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colour transmission meaning in Hindi

colour transmission sentence in Hindi

वर्ण प्रेषण
वर्ण संचरण
colour    जीवंतता झण्डा
transmission    संचरण संचार
1.Test colour transmission commenced in 1973 and started full-time in 1976.

2.The full changeover to colour transmission did not occur until 1975.

3.Additionally, a full-length movie titled " colour transmission in 1975.

4.The film became a cult success when regularly broadcast as a BBC2 colour transmissions.

5.During its run, the series made the transition from black and white to colour transmissions.

6.RTQ-7 began colour transmissions on 1 March 1975.

7.TWW was also a player in the development of 625-line colour transmission for the ITV network.

8.A television service, T�l�vision Nationale du Burundi, was established in 1984, and began colour transmission in 1985.

9.Full-time colour transmission was introduced to ATV-0 in March 1975 in line with other stations around the country.

10.It was considered essential that these viewers should see no degradation in picture quality when viewing colour transmissions.

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How to say colour transmission in Hindi and what is the meaning of colour transmission in Hindi? colour transmission Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.